Parshas Parah: Short & Sweet Inspiration
In this episode, Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe shares a short & sweet idea of inspiration on the special Shabbos of Parah, the Shabbos that served as a reminder for the Jewish people to repent and purify themselves before the upcoming holiday of Passover.
This Jewish Inspiration Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe of TORCH (Ep. #168) is dedicated my dear friend, Marc Schneider! May Hashem bless you and your beautiful family with good health, success and true Yiddish Nachas!!!
To listen to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe:
- Jewish Inspiration Podcast -
- Unboxing Judaism Podcast -
- Parsha Review Podcast -
- Living Jewishly Podcast -
- Thinking Talmudist Podcast -
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Recorded in the TORCH Centre - Studio B on March 6, 2023, in Houston, Texas.
Released as Podcast on March 9, 2023
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Released as Podcast on March 9, 2023