Everyday Judaism: Laws of Ashrei, Uva Letzion and End of Prayers (Ep. 31 - Siman 25)

Unlock the profound layers of the morning prayers with us, as we journey through the intricate teachings of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Get ready to enrich your understanding of Ashrei and Uva Letzion, two pivotal components of the Jewish prayer service. We'll take you through the flow of the morning prayers, from the initial blessings to the powerful verses of Shema and Amidah, culminating in the deep reflections on the recitation of Ashrei. Special emphasis is placed on the verse "Potach Eet Yadecha," where we encourage you to elevate your concentration and intention. Together, let's uncover the nuances of Psalm 20, L'menatzach, learning when and why it is omitted, especially in the poignant setting of a mourner's house.

As we conclude our exploration of Siman 25, we'll highlight the spiritual weight of the Kedusha in Uvaletzion and why it is essential to recite it with the congregation. Understand the rituals that preserve the sanctity of this prayer, including maintaining silence and the importance of not leaving the synagogue prematurely.
The Everyday Judaism Podcast is dedicated to learning, understanding and appreciating the greatness of Jewish heritage and the Torah through the simplified, concise study of Halacha, Jewish Law, thereby enhancing our understanding of how Hashem wants us to live our daily lives in a Jewish way.
This Podcast Series is Generously Underwritten by Marshall & Doreen Lerner
This episode (Ep. #29) of the Everyday Judaism Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe of TORCH is dedicated to my dearest friends, Marshall & Doreen Lerner! May Hashem bless you and always lovingly accept your prayer for good health, success and true happiness!!!

Recorded in the TORCH Centre - Levin Family Studio (B) to a live audience on March 2, 2025, in Houston, Texas.
Released as Podcast on March 9, 2025
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#Halacha, #Jewishlaw, #Jewishtradition, #Concentration, #Intention, #Psalm20, #Ashrei, #Kedusha, #AskAway
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Everyday Judaism: Laws of Ashrei, Uva Letzion and End of Prayers (Ep. 31 - Siman 25)