The First Influencer (Parsha In-focus: Korach)

Can the company you keep determine your destiny? On this week's Parsha Review Podcast, we delve into the dramatic story of Korach, whose unchecked jealousy and rebellion against Moshe and Aaron led to a catastrophic end. We explore how Korach's negative influence ensnared those around him, while those aligned with Moshe and Aaron thrived in righteousness. Through the lens of this powerful Torah portion, we analyze the role of words and environment in shaping behavior, drawing poignant parallels to the impact of modern-day influencers.

In the second part of our episode, we underscore the critical importance of choosing positive influences in our lives. Whether through distancing from those who spread slander and mockery or by seeking divine guidance in our prayers, we aim to cultivate a nurturing and virtuous environment. Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe joins us to share his invaluable insights on fostering positivity and integrity. Listen in for a compelling discussion that not only dissects the lessons from Korach but also offers practical advice on building a life anchored in righteousness. Have a wonderful Shabbos!
This episode (Ep 6.38) of the Parsha Review Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Korach is dedicated in Honor of Dovi & Adina on their upcoming wedding & in honor of our Holy Soldiers in the Battlefield and our Torah Scholars in the Study Halls who are fighting for the safety of our nation!
Recorded in the TORCH Centre - Travel Studios (D) to a live audience on July 12, 2024, in Houston, Texas.
Released as Podcast on July 12, 2024
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The First Influencer (Parsha In-focus: Korach)